some 100 years, many students have graduated from the
internal combustion engine laboratories directed by the late Professor
Watanabe Trajiro, the late professor Emeritus Seki Toshiro, the late
Professor Nanba Masato, late Professor Emeritus Saito Takeshi,
Professor Emeritus Daisho Yasuhiro. Many
graduates are now working in automotive, heavily and energy industries
around the world. The approach taken over many years by these
professors has been to do experiments with real engines and combustion
systems, although the engine test needs much research expenses. In
particular, research activities from the time of Professor Emeritus
Saito Takeshi have focused on environmental protection and energy
conversion. The research sprit has passed to Professor Jin Kusaka,
incumbent faculty members at Waseda University. Research at the
laboratories now involves not just internal combustion engines, but
hybrid and fuel cell, battery systems. The reseach staffs of Kusaka
laboratory comes from Department of Modern Mechanical Enginerring and
Depertment of Environment and Energy, Waseda University.